From current back to 1990.
Historic! From the beginning.
Exactly 400 events by end of 2021.




Thursday December 1st, 2016 - Reading means living twice as much
Dr. Sybil Countess Schönfeldt: Germanist, journalist. Columnist, author and
translator. The legendary literary evening with new books to read and give away.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016 - Richard Strauss & Alfred Kerr op. 66
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schick and Fredrik Ahnsjö (tenor) Erwin Stein (piano):
Chair of Music. Musical satires about art and commerce with the title An act of
revenge from text and tones. performed in collaboration with the GRÄGS.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - You are so German!
Agnieszka Kowaluk: translator, journalist and writer
My life in a country that doesn't like its virtues.
Thursday, November 10, 2016 - How easy can life be?
Prof. Dr. Petra Schwille: Director of the Cellular and Molecular Biophysics department at
Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Martinsried
From the current research of a biophysicist.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - The Jesuits
Prof. Dr. Markus Friedrich: Historian and professor at the University of Hamburg
Rise, decline, new beginning The history of the “Society of Jesus” – exciting to this day.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - He reads Henry James
Hanns Zischler: actor, dramaturg, director, radio play speaker, photographer, translator and essayist
Zeit-Online writes: This writer will not let you out of his clutches once you have read a line from him. They say life without Henry James is possible, but pointless :-).
Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - Germany: Where from? Where?
Gregor Gysi in conversation with Christian Ude:
Two thoroughbred politicians
talk about yesterday, today and tomorrow.
creation of art as spoils of war in an apartment.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016 - How to slip into a soap bubble.
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Bagspacher: Professor of Geometry and Discrete Mathematics and Director of the Mathematicum in Giessen
The world of mathematics Mathematics is something you can touch. Everyone can do math. You learn mathematics by doing mathematics.
Thursday, April 7th, 2016 - The Unfortunate Fist meets bioethics
Thea Dorn: Author and television presenter
Age, transience and death - does that have to be the case? Why does human life end at the latest at 120? Immortality that one dreams of, but perhaps only while it is not there?
Tuesday March 15, 2016 - Oskar Maria Graf A literary double face
Dr. Ulrich Dittmann: Long-time chairman of the Oskar Maria Graf Society Florian Münzer actor
About the often contradictory two sides and the exciting life of the Bavarian poet.
Tuesday. March 1, 2016 - Ludwig Ganghofer
Gerd Anthoff & Lothar Lägel: Gerd is a well-deserved character actor at the State Theater and a popular actor, Lothar makes music on the zither.
Pearls from the Schmonzetten Sea. The very different facets of the Bavarian Sphinx.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016 - The women of my family
Tanja Weber: Theater dramaturge, then screenwriter for television, now successful author
Bayern 5 says: Beautifully invented and inspired by the discovery of large amounts of art as spoils of war in an apartment.
Thursday, February 18, 2016 - Afghanistan, Munich & Me
Hassan Ali Djan: Hassan is an author and a refugee from Afghanistan. He came in 2005 as a minor and without training. He completed secondary school, is naturalized, married with children and firmly established in the shortage profession of building electronics engineer.
Hassan Ali Djan talks about his escape, his beginnings in Munich and his way into the middle of society. It is unfortunate that Hassan's biography appears to us as an extraordinary story when it must be an everyday journey. Organized in collaboration with the community library.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - When Germany wanted to save its soul.
Knud von Harbour: historian and Germanist, former SZ editor
The Süddeutsche from 1945 to 1955. Very informative afterwards about what was reported and what was ignored.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - My life for nature
Prof. Dr. Josef H. Reichholf: zoologist, evolutionary biologist and ecologist Looking back on half a century as a natural scientist In nature there is no best or only correct state; stability means standstill and leads to decline. Life is constant change, nothing stays the same.
Dienstag, March 28th, 2017 - Luther, a German rebel
Willi Winkler: writer, translator, journalist, literary critic, non-fiction author The Reformation initiated by Luther acted as a tremendous boost to modernization in art and everyday life, literature, science and journalism. A great biography that has all the makings of a classic.
Thursday, March 23th, 2017 - Ludwig Thoma A fictional life Martin A. Klaus:
Editor for the newspaper and author. In his 1917 autobiography, Ludwig Thoma describes an fictional character who had little to do with reality. Thoma expert Martin A. Klaus now paints the frightening picture of the change from left-liberal satirist to right-wing radical polemicist. In collaboration with the Gräfelfing community library.
Thursday, March 16th, 2017 - The long shadow of the perpetrators
Alexandra Senfft: Islamic scholar, freelance journalist and publicist Descendants confront their Nazi family history Who knows what role their fathers or grandfathers played during the Second World War and the extermination of the Jews?
Thursday, February 23, 2017- “Grisholm Castle”
Stefan Merkl: Ensemble member of the Kammerspiele (Merkl) and award-winning violinist from the musical family of the same name plays. A Kurt Tucholsky evening with music One of the most enchanting summer stories that German literature has to offer.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017 - Prevention
Dr. Marianne Koch: internist, presenter, author with several awards in the field of medical media communication About the great opportunity to keep body and soul healthy. Prevention means the chance to maintain our quality of life through smart individual action - even in old age.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 - Dream Café of the Traumwerker e.V.
Elmar Wepper: studied theater and German studies, delicious literary dream evening with champagne reception and flying buffet, musical accompaniment by the live band Jazz 2 You and an entertaining reading by Elmar Wepper and Constanze Zacherl. Hosted by Herbert Hanko, the patron is Uta Wüst, First Mayor of Gräfelfing. Organized as part of the event series Inklusion im Würmtal.

Thursday November 9, 2017 - Dance in freedom
Dr. Susanne Betz: Author, doctorate in various German and American daily newspapers and magazines, auditors in the Department of Politics of Bavarian Radio.
France and Germany between French Revolution and today. Sensual and opulent - an extraordinary historical novel about the most dramatic era of modern times. A pair of siblings in the tranquil but intriguing Weimar and in the apparently cosmopolitan Paris in the turmoil of the French Revolution.
Tuesday October 24, 2017 - Reading means double life
Dr. Sybil Countess Schönfeldt: Germanist, journalist, columnist, author and translator
For the ninth time: the legendary literary evening with new books to read and give away.
Wednesday October 18, 2017 - Kreislers scraped works
The concerts: Lothar Lägel (zither, vocals and moderation), Anja Bartos (violin), Martin Lamprecht (Contragitarian and Guitar), Arpad György (double bass) and Walter Brachtel am violoncello or piano
Welcome to Vienna and: All Kreisler! A cheeky, humorious, but also a demanding, literary-musical work of all the work of art of all stripes about the composing violin virtuoso Fritz Kreisler and the poet, composer, pianist, satirist and anarchist Georg Kreisler.
Thursday October 12, 2017 - Islamist terror or the struggle of cultures
Elmar Theveßen: The ZDF terrorism expert, deputy editor-in-chief of the ZDF and head of the current editorial team
Few journalists in Germany have such expertise on the subject of Islamist terror such as Elmar Theveßen. He presents the latest knowledge about the threat situation in Germany and calls for a consistent and uncompromising overall concept in the fight against Islamism and terrorism.
Thursday September 28, 2017 - In the end the cedar stays
Pierre Jarawan: Author, Slam Poet, stage literate, photographer, organizer and moderator
A large family history from and about Lebanon, touching, surprising and masterfully interwoven with the dramatic fate of the Middle East.

Thursday December 7th, 2017 - The Quantum of Happiness. A mountaineering legend tells.
Kurt Diemberger: mountaineer, filmmaker, photographer and author. Along with Hermann Buhl, he is one of only two people to have achieved the first ascent of two eight-thousanders.
After his fantastic lecture at the Literary Society in 2012, Kurt Diemberger is now coming back to Gräfelfing: "Happiness is much more than just not breaking your knuckles while skiing."
Tuesday November 21, 2017 - What to do?
Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch and Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Vossenkuhl: Harald Lesch is Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics and Professor of Natural Philosophy in Munich as well as presenter of the ZDF series Ask den Lesch and Terra X Wilhelm Vossenkuhl is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the LMU.
An astrophysicist and a philosopher in conversation about current issues of our time based on Kant's moral philosophy and ethics.

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018 - Reading means living twice as much
Dr. Sybil Countess Schönfeldt: contemporary witness, Germanist, journalist, columnist, author and translator
for the tenth time The legendary literary evening with new books to read and give away.
Tuesday, November 27th, 2018 - Christmas music
Hansjörg Albrecht at the piano: conductor, concert organist and harpsichordist. Artistic director of the Munich Bach Choir and Bach Orchestra
In collaboration with the Munich Bach Academy. The focus is on Johann Sebastian Bach Academy lecture with many sound examples.
Wednesday, November 14th, 2018 - Silent Child
Gert Heidenreich: writer, journalist and radio speaker and versatile German intellectual
In collaboration with the GRÄGS, reading from the latest novel.
Tuesday, November 6th, 2018 - Next to us is the flood
Prof. Dr. Stephan Lessenich: Sociologist He is involved in a variety of ways at the interface between science and politics
How rich countries live at the expense of poor countries.
Wednesday, October 24th, 2018 - Kühn is in trouble
Jan Weiler: literary all-rounder. Journalist, bestselling author, columnist and non-swimmer
Reading from the current novel. While he tastes homemade lemonade on the suspect's terrace, Kühn searches for the answer to whether there is even a place where he is right in this life.
Wednesday, October 17th, 2018 - Our fundamental rights
Georg M. Oswald: socially critical writer and lawyer
In collaboration with and in the Gräfelfing community library. The lecture shows what basic rights we have, what they mean and how we protect them. It is not a legal commentary, not a civics lesson, and certainly not a Sunday speech, but a reality check: What do fundamental rights promise? And what do you think about it?
Thursday September 27th, 2018 - To the coffee house!
Maria Reiter (accordion): Most versatile and sought-after accordionist, subtle sound magician on her instrument with Florian Sonnleitner (violin)
Music and lyrics A relaxed and humorous, musical-literary excursion to the coffee houses of Europe.
Wednesday July 25th, 2018 - Praise of Fatalism
Matthias Drobinski: Journalist and church expert newspaper editorial team opinion and responsible for religions and church
As part of the supporting program of the exhibition series “Art in Sacred Places” in the Evangelische Friedenskirche Gräfelfing in collaboration with the Kunstkreis Gräfelfing e.V.
Thursday May 3rd, 2018 - Between the Soviet Republic and the Hitler Putsch
Dr. Dirk Heißerer: literary scholar, non-fiction author and literary walker
In collaboration with the VHS Würmtal and the Gräfelfing community library as part of the event series “We celebrate Bavaria” in the anniversary year 2018.
Thursday April 26th, 2018 - 1968: Youth revolt and global protest
Professor Dr. Norbert Frei: Contemporary historian, chair of modern and contemporary history at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and head of the Jena Center for History of the 20th Century.
The code “68” stands for a decade of rebellion. At that time, critical youth rose up not only in the Federal Republic, but throughout Europe and around the globe.
Thursday April 12th, 2018 - Behind the horizon
Professor Dr. Ernst Peter Fischer: qualified physicist, doctorate in biology and science historian
A history of worldviews takes us beyond the horizon, to where people naturally gravitate.
Tuesday March 20th, 2018 - Do you need this? Of course it needs it
Gerhard Polt: cabaret artist, actor, poet and philosopher
Like no other, he embodies the torn nature of Bavaria between philistinism and anarchy.
Wednesday February 28th, 2018 - About reading, literary criticism
Felicitas von Lovenberg: journalist, critic, publisher at Piper Verlag
About writing, working as a publisher and the future of books in the digital age.
Tuesday February 6th, 2018 - Chansons Bizarres
Salome Kammer: vocal artist, actress, singer, cellist and Peter Ludwig composer, pianist, arranger
For the love of the small print, a musical cabaret is being held.
Wednesday January 31st, 2018 - Illustration
Binette Schroeder: illustrator, author and picture book collector
What cannot be explained with words.

Archive 2019 and 2020 until the corona break
Tuesday, March 10, 2020 - The invisible novel
Christoph Poschenrieder: One of the best German writers at the moment, says SWR
A light, funny and biting fantasy about the author and spiritualist Gustav Meyrink and an absurd assignment.
Thursday, February 20, 2020 - Classical music in Bavarian
TwoWell - Maria (cello) and Matthias Well (violin): The virtuoso sibling duo from the third generation of the legendary Well family (Biermösl Blosn, Wellküren) and Vladislav Cojocaru
Fresh, passionate and authentic, full of joie de vivre and natural charm, outstanding musicality, perfect technique and thrilling stage presence - and not just classical music.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - Momsi and me
Prof. Dr. C. Bernd Sucher: literary scholar, theater critic and professor of theater, film and television criticism at the HFF Munich
The liberation from my mother: The story of an approach to an often aloof woman. Ultimately, it's almost a declaration of love.
Thursday, December 5, 2019 - Reading means living twice as much
Dr. Sybil Countess Schönfeldt: contemporary witness, Germanist, journalist, columnist, author and translator
For the eleventh time: The legendary literary evening with new books to read and give away.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019 - Isn't Mr. Wallace Darwin?
Anselm Oelze: Author
Isn't Darwin the creator of the theory of evolution, but Alfred Russel Wallace? The novel “Wallace” plays with this question – he belongs on the throne on which Darwin has sat for a long time, says the naturalist in Darwin’s shadow.
Thursday, November 14, 2019 - Jessas, Maria and Josef
City priest Rainer M. Schiessler: One of the most famous churchmen in Bavaria
Where is the church going? He deals with his church critically and at the same time optimistically.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019 - Digital Junkies
Dr. med. Bert te Wildt: Private lecturer and chief physician at the Dießen Monastery Psychosomatic Clinic
When the Internet becomes an addiction.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019 - Honesty is a currency
Dr. Theodor Waigel: Former Federal Minister of Finance, CSU honorary chairman since 2009 and played a key role in the introduction of the euro. Report from his political life and his personal memories.
Monday, October 14, 2019 - From the Shtetl to Brooklyn
Massel-Tov Besides Klezmer: Composer.
In addition to Yiddish songs, pieces from Yiddish-American musicals and dances from the Balkans also find their place. A musical journey with the Massel-Tov Klezmer band from the past of the shtetls of Eastern Europe via local folk songs to the swinging New York of the 1930s and 1940s.
Thursday, September 26, 2019 - Theodor Fontane, a wide field
Cornelia Bernoulli: actress, author, speaker and producer and Ernst Matthias Friedrich as actor, composer, musician and director
Live radio play by Cornelia Bernoulli on the 200th birthday of Theodor Fontane A game between fiction and reality.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - Theater at the table: Faith, love, hope
Krista Posch: actress, singer, speaker and Peter Ludwig as composer, pianist and arranger
Dramatic play by Ödön von Horváth with live music (Peter Ludwig).
Wednesday, March 27, 2019 - Life is short, buy the red shoes
Josef Brustmann: Music cabaret artist equipped with a zither, a miracle organ, a beautiful baritone and a sharp pen
Music cabaret as part of the Gräfelfinger Days for music and cabaret.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019 - Emotional violence
Dr. Werner Bartens: Medical doctor, senior editor in the science department of a newspaper, author of numerous non-fiction books
When insults make you sick
Thursday, February 28, 2019 - Before the beginning
Burghart Klaußner: character actor in the theater, film and television; Director and singer. From 1962 to 1969 he attended our Kurt Huber High School in Gräfelfing
Novel debut: Brecht's TV premiere on arte and in the first program of German television.
Thursday, February 7, 2019 - My Mongolia
Byambasuren Davaa: Documentary filmmaker and director. She is known, among other things, for the film “The Story of the Crying Camel”. On the road with BYAMBAA alsa Live Multivision.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019 - Economy for the Common Good
Prof. Dr. Christian Felber: Freelance journalist and author, university lecturer, initiator of the common good economy and the Bank for the Common Good project. The lecture is a description of an alternative economic model.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021 - Magic of Reading
Annemarie Stoltenberg: literary critic, presenter, author and reporter, editor at NDR.
New books, also to give away. Books to read, learn, love. Annemarie Stoltenberg vividly and vividly presents her favorites from the wide range of novels and non-fiction books that will be published this autumn. Sybil Countess Schönfeldt recommended her to us as a clever and entertaining successor for the 'Literarische' pre-Christmas book evening. Ms. Stoltenberg sent an annotated book list that anyone interested can pick up at the Kohler bookstore in Gräfelfing.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021 - Germany, landmarks in its history
Prof. Dr. Hans Maier: political scientist, former Minister of Culture for Bavaria, President of the Central Committee of German Catholics, journalist and politician, organist
Hans Maier spent his entire life dealing with this peculiar structure, the much-called cultural nation, the state-political core, the institutions. In his book, published in 2021, he analyzes Germany's important milestones in his usual confident manner. From the elder statesman's perspective, he did not ignore the current political situation in Germany after the federal election and in Corona times. Great success!
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - God Provider
Nora Gomringer: poet and one of the great linguistic artists of our time, performance artist, poetry slammer, reciter, author
Contemplations about this and the other world. Nora-Eugenie Gomringer could amuse you, irritate you, make you cry for all the right reasons! Everything has already happened.
Wednesday, October 6th, 2021 - On the 150th birthday of Heinrich Mann
Cornelia Bernoulli: freelance actress, speaker and author Sarah Luisa Wurmer musician specializing in zither
Whoever reads you sees people. A scenic collage and a very personal look from Carla Mann on the life and loves of her big brother.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - Conversations about life
Simone Rethel-Heesters: actress, painter, author and photographer.
She was married to Johannes Heesters and has been an ambassador for the “Aging with Dignity” initiative since 2005. Ageless – limitless Interviews and photos of 25 personalities from the older generation.
Thursday, September 23, 2021- My life with newspapers
Dr. Dirk Ippen: Newspaper publisher, owns numerous daily newspapers in Germany.
Series: Authors from Gräfelfing and the Würmtal. The Gräfelfinger publisher talks about 60 years of media work.
Corona break!

- Wed, 06 AprCommunity House GräfelfingReading and lecture "I have thrown down the gauntlet to the stronger sex everywhere" The life of Lola Montez Participation in the reading: Erich Kasberger
- Wed, 27 AprGräfelfing community centerLecture "The Right to Sleep", an obituary for the alarm clock.
- Wed, 01 JunBürgerhaus GräfelfingReading and lecture "I have thrown down the gauntlet to the stronger sex everywhere" The life of Lola Montez Participation in the reading: Erich Kasberger
- Wed, 26 OctGraefelfingWith Guna Wendt. Our endangered democracy - hatred and incitement against our press
- Wed, 09 NovGräfelfingAbout Olaf Gulbransson, a kind of “primal animal” as a human being, he loved nature and all its creatures.
- Wed, 23 NovGräfelfingCulture and history from the early imperial period to the present
- Wed, 01 MarGräfelfing
- Wed, 21 FebKurt-Huber-Grammar School, 2, Place of Adalbert StifterThe Curse of the Empire
- Tue, 01 OctGräfelfingKeiner blickt dir hinter das Gesicht. Eine Hommage an Erich Kästner
- Wed, 23 OctGräfelfingDas Ende des Amerikanischen Jahrhunderts? Die Schicksalswahl in den USA
- Wed, 09 OctGräfelfingVierundsiebzig. Auf der Suche nach den Spuren des Völkermords an den Jesiden