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Liste der Grunder relevant fuer die Geschichte
Anniversary 1961
Allied licensing
50 years Literate Society
90 years of LITERARY


Liste der Gründer

1921: We found or society

The story begins on October 12, 1921, not in Gräfelfing, but in Krailling. At the invitation of Dr. Adolf Stamm, around 20 people met to found the “Planegg – Krailling – Gräfelfing Literary Society”.

1946: vor der alliierten Lizensierung


In offenbarer Vorfreude der erneuten Aufnahme des Vortragsbetriebes traut sich die Literarische Gesellschaft in diesem Jahr zu einer Jubiläumsfeier unter den zu der Zeit üblichen kargen Bedingungen.

Hier zum Text des Festvortrages.

Please follow us to the 25th Anniversary anno domini  1946 and to the 30th anniversary in 1951.

1996: 75 years

Mission statement:

» We learn to talk to each other. That means we don't just want to repeat our opinions, we want to hear what the other person thinks. We don't just want to assert, we want to think about it in context, listen to reasons, stay ready, and come to new insight. «

Allgemeines Wüstenbild
Former Federal President Dr. Gauck
90 years aniversary

2011: Our 90th Anniversary

In 2011 we celebrated the 90th anniversary of the Gräfelfing Literary Society. Our anniversary program began on September 25th with an impressive matinée. The commemorative publication is available below.


100 years of Literary Society

Das 100's Anniversary we celebrated according to corona regulations.

Signet for 100 years LITERARISCHE
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